A composition in space made by and with all participants
For people aged from 1 to 99
UA 2015 DT-2 des Deutschen Theater Göttingen
A farewell ritual? Perhaps a funeral? Why have all the flowers dried up? Is this a dance of death or a birthday celebration? We think it makes sense to try to come to terms with the fact that death is our constant companion, our dancing partner - while we are still alive. We rehearse this dance together. But who knows the steps? Do they go forwards or are they homeward bound? Have we prepared everything, packed and really thought of everything? Stop. Drink a sip. Take a deep breath. Put the bottle down. Breathe in and out - slowly. What do you hear? Does it sound as if we’re returning to the ground? Let’s toast to life and abandon ourselves completely to the music. Today is our birthday after all - the actual reason for our dying. Let’s celebrate a ritual together that we cannot resist repeating: Happy Birthday, Death!
“Of course, death is part of this farewell celebration. The musicians declare death to be their life-long dancing partner because it is always present. The audience members move with it in a circle, stamping rhythmically and forming a chorus of voices, which the instruments pick up on again and again. Because no word is spoken at this “best funeral in the world”, the audience members are all the more receptive, sensitive and aware of the echoes, not only of the music but of every movement and noise. The instruments swing from the ceiling like a musical still-life while the audience members can listen to themselves and ponder all the images and fantasies about life and death that they have been given at this farewell ceremony.” (Kulturbüro-Göttingen)
Director: Verena Ries
With QuartettPlus1: Kathrina Hülsmann (viola), Katharina Pfänder (violin), Lisa Stepf (cello),
Kristina van de Sand (violin)
Scenography and lighting: Sarah Ruppert
Costumes: Ann-Kathrin Blohmer
With music by Bryce Dessner (Aheym, 2009), Henry Purcell (Hush, no more (The Fairy Queen,1692) and John White (Drinking and Hooting Machine, 1968)
A Quartett PLUS 1/ Das ist erst der Anfang e.V. production in cooperation with the Deutsches Theater Göttingen. With support from the Stiftung Niedersachsen and the Nord LB. Awarded the Junge Ohren Preis in 2014 in the “LabOhr” category.